Ep. 4 // “Faith over fear” is a common phrase in the Christian life meant to encourage us to step out of our comfort zone. But is living inside the comfort zone really all that bad?

 In this episode, Megan unpacks the challenges and roadblocks to stepping out in bold faith.

Join Megan as she discusses:

  • The definition of “comfort zone”.

  • Why we fear stepping out of our comfort zone.

  • What would compel us to step out of our comfort zone?

  • The ONE main reason we would step out in faith over fear!

  • When is “comfort zone” living a bad thing?

  • How do you know if you’re living in your comfort zone?

Questions you’ll ask yourself in this episode:

  • What is God calling you into that would require a bold step of courage?

  • What lie are you believing about stepping into a new thing that is keeping you stuck?

  • What are you currently holding onto that God is calling you to release so you can step into something new?

  • How can you honor the people in your life AND have an honest conversation with them about a call to step outside your comfort zone?

  • What is the next right step for you?

Megan is so excited to begin this journey with you to have conversations on reframing life, love, and calling to live the life God has so purposefully created for you.

Resources for Listeners:

John O’Donahue, “To Bless the Space Between Us”

Connect with Megan:

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Schedule a Free Curiosity Call

Or send a good, old-fashioned email: mbnlifecoach@gmail.com


Check out this episode!

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