Ep 62 // One Question You Can Ask to Evaluate Your Alignment with God  {The SO THAT Series}

Are you broken, troubled, humbled…to a point where you need God’s help? You are not alone! Many of us reach a breaking point now and then. What can you do in those moments? To whom do you turn? You have a choice…One that will bring life – and one that will bring death. 

Welcome to the “SO THAT” series! This journey will lead you into the WHY behind the WHAT of the Christian faith. We’re told to know and believe so many things – but why?

Together we are studying the connector phrase “so that” as it relates to Scripture. This tiny little phrase will lead you deeper into the heart of God SO THAT Christ may be glorified in your life and on this earth.

In short, this series explores the REASON for the ACTION and BELIEF of the Christian faith. Why does any of this really matter?

FOCUS in this episode: Psalm 86:1-12, TPT 

Things we will explore in this episode: 

  • The SO THAT connections in Psalm 86:11, TPT

  • The lament David shares that resonates with so many of us

  • The renewal of his mind, the shift in his spirit that leads him to God

  • The cry of David’s heart when he’s in trouble

  • What this SO THAT moment means for you

  • How you can know God’s character and His ways through studying the life of Jesus!

  • A question you can ask yourself daily to evaluate your alignment with the Lord.

Reflection questions you’ll ask yourself in this episode:

  • What is your natural first response to trouble, heart ache? To whom do you naturally turn?

  • In what areas of your life do you feel you are bringing honor to God’s name? Celebrate that! (Family, relationships, job, spiritual growth…)

  • On the flip side, is there any area of your life that isn’t bringing honor to God’s name? Ask the Holy Spirit to bring loving conviction. And then bring it to the cross. Give it to Jesus. He can forgive and transform you at any point!

  • If you are called to release something specific and walk in a new way with God – what support do you need to do this well and bear fruit?

Megan is a Kingdom life coach, author, and speaker who helps God’s people align with God’s voice and get activated to live into their divine destiny! Join her to have conversations on reframing life, love, and calling to live the life God has so purposefully created for you. 

Quotable Quotes:

“Whenever trouble strikes, what is your first reaction or response? You can go to the world, or you can cry out to God.”

Resources for Listeners (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Book: Practicing the Way, John Mark Comer

Ep 56 // Intro Episode to the” SO THAT” Series – What is the Point of the Christian Faith? Exploring the WHY Behind the WHAT 

Join Megan’s dynamic FB Community inspired by this podcast! → Kingdom Life Together 

Untangled Faith Book //  Untangled Faith: How Honest Conversations with God Lead to Deeper Connections, Clarity, and Peace available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Journal // available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Book Study // Are you looking for your next small group study? Check out this 10-week curriculum to learn how to hear God’s voice and cultivate open communication with Him for deeper revelation! → untangledfaithstudy.com

Do you have a God-Sized dream? How do you know what one is? And if you have one? Check out this FREE resource → 5 Questions to Help You Discover Your God-Sized Dream! Godsizedreams.com

The Sharpened Edge Community // Build. Grow. Scale → your business and your faith! Message Megan on Instagram, FB, or LinkedIn for more details on this powerful community // thesharpened-edge.com

Connect with Megan:

Instagram: @megan_nilsen

Facebook: @MeganNilsenKingdomLifeCoach

Facebook Community: @KingdomLifeTogether

Email: megan@meganbnilsen.com

Schedule a FREE curiosity call if you’re interested in working with Megan // calendly.com/mbnilsen/30min

Check out this episode!

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