Ep 57 // The Reason You Are Called to Be Salt and Light {The SO THAT Series}

This is the first episode in the”SO THAT” series that will lead you into the WHY behind the WHAT of the Christian faith. Let’s see what all this is really about!

We will explore the connector phrase “so that” as it relates to Scripture. This tiny little phrase will lead you deeper into the heart of God SO THAT Christ may be glorified in your life and on this earth.

In short, this series will explore the REASON for the ACTION and BELIEF of the Christian faith. Why does any of this really matter?

FOCUS in this episode: Matthew 5:13-16, CSB

You are the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” – WHY does it matter that you know this and live into this exciting, high calling? Come on the journey to explore the REASON!

Reflection questions you’ll ask yourself in this episode:

  • What does Jesus suggest about the purpose of salt and light?

  • What would render these important tools useless in life?

  • In what area of life do you feel your light has been “dulled?” How do you know this? How is God calling you to shine brighter?

  • On the flip side, what area of life are you holding onto tightly in which you want to build a “name” for yourself – to point the spotlight on you? How might God be inviting you to release your grip and shift the light to point to Him instead?

  • What assignment is God giving you right now in which you need to shine BRIGHTLY for Him? Are you holding back in any way?

Megan is a Kingdom life coach, author, and speaker who helps women align with God’s voice and get activated to live into their divine destiny! Join her to have conversations on reframing life, love, and calling to live the life God has so purposefully created for you.

Quotable Quotes:

“If you allow anything to obscure your light it is not useful for showing the way.”

“If you feel dull and flavorless – take it to the Lord! Ask Him to reignite the light.”

Resources for Listeners:

Ep 56 // Intro Episode – What is the Point of the Christian Faith? Exploring the WHY Behind the WHAT

Join Megan’s dynamic FB Community inspired by this podcast ! → Kingdom Life Together 

Untangled Faith Book //  Untangled Faith: How Honest Conversations with God Lead to Deeper Connections, Clarity, and Peace available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Journal // available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Book Study // Are you looking for your next small group study? Check out this 10-week curriculum to learn how to hear God’s voice and cultivate open communication with Him for deeper revelation! → untangledfaithstudy.com

Do you have a God-Sized dream? How do you know what one is? And if you have one? Check out this FREE resource → 5 Questions to Help you Discover Your God-Sized Dream! Godsizedreams.com

Cast the vision + Create the time to dream with God! // “If Only” virtual conference REPLAY → ifonlyconference.com

The Sharpened Edge Community // Build. Grow. Scale → your business and your faith! Message Megan on Instagram, FB, or LinkedIn for more details on this powerful community.

Connect with Megan:

Instagram: @megan_nilsen

Facebook: @MeganNilsenKingdomLifeCoach

Facebook Community: 

Email: megan@meganbnilsen.com

Schedule a FREE curiosity call if you’re interested in working with Megan // calendly.com/mbnilsen/30min

Check out this episode!

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