Ep 59 // The Reason You are Called to Live Transparently and Why it Matters  {The SO THAT Series}

Welcome to the”SO THAT” series! This journey will lead you into the WHY behind the WHAT of the Christian faith. We’re told to know and believe so many things – but why?

Together we are studying the connector phrase “so that” as it relates to Scripture. This tiny little phrase will lead you deeper into the heart of God SO THAT Christ may be glorified in your life and on this earth.

In short, this series explores the REASON for the ACTION and BELIEF of the Christian faith. Why does any of this really matter?

FOCUS in this episode: 1 Thessalonians Chapter 1, The Voice Translation

We’re digging into Paul’ words to the Thessalonians and the command to live transparent lives. Why did he implore them to live like this? What could it mean for you and me?

Things we will explore in this episode: 

  • The context of Chapter 1 in the letter to the Thessalonians

  • The reason Paul worked as a tentmaker and not just an evangelist

  • Why Paul chose the Thessalonians

  • The importance of the receiving the message of the gospel as more than just lip service

  • The REASON Paul and company lived TRANSPARENTLY among the people

  • What is transparent living?

  • People around you are watching you and deciding how they feel about Jesus!

  • An incredible definition of “Kingdom work”

Reflection questions you’ll ask yourself in this episode:

  • Is there any area of life in which you are living out of integrity, out of line with what God wants you to do?

  • What does it look like for you to live transparently? In what ways are you doing that? In what ways are you holding back from transparent living?

  • Would other people know the love of God better because they are watching your life? Why or why not?

  • In what way might God be asking you to realign your life with His voice to bring Him greater glory?

  • Do you think the church (the body of believers) is living the way God intended us to live? What do you consider individual responsibility? And what do you consider corporate responsibility?

Megan is a Kingdom life coach, author, and speaker who helps God’s people align with God’s voice and get activated to live into their divine destiny! Join her to have conversations on reframing life, love, and calling to live the life God has so purposefully created for you.

Quotable Quotes:

“In the world of social media we might think we’re living transparently because we post things about our lives. But perhaps social media curation is the opposite of transparent living.”

“Is the way you are living compromising the testimony of Jesus in any way?”

“The Holy Spirit is always calling us to seek new ways to experience Kingdom living.”

“Transparent living is the way Jesus calls us to live!”

Resources for Listeners:

Ep 56 // Intro Episode – What is the Point of the Christian Faith? Exploring the WHY Behind the WHAT

Join Megan’s dynamic FB Community inspired by this podcast ! → Kingdom Life Together 

Untangled Faith Book //  Untangled Faith: How Honest Conversations with God Lead to Deeper Connections, Clarity, and Peace available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Journal // available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Book Study // Are you looking for your next small group study? Check out this 10-week curriculum to learn how to hear God’s voice and cultivate open communication with Him for deeper revelation! → untangledfaithstudy.com

Do you have a God-Sized dream? How do you know what one is? And if you have one? Check out this FREE resource → 5 Questions to Help you Discover Your God-Sized Dream! Godsizedreams.com

Cast the vision + Create the time to dream with God! // “If Only” virtual conference REPLAY → ifonlyconference.com

The Sharpened Edge Community // Build. Grow. Scale → your business and your faith! Message Megan on Instagram, FB, or LinkedIn for more details on this powerful community // thesharpened-edge.com

Connect with Megan:

Instagram: @megan_nilsen

Facebook: @MeganNilsenKingdomLifeCoach

Facebook Community: @KingdomLifeTogether

Email: megan@meganbnilsen.com

Schedule a FREE curiosity call if you’re interested in working with Megan // calendly.com/mbnilsen/30min

Check out this episode!

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