Ep 53 // One Foundational Question to Ask As You Navigate Life

What kind of lifestyle do you want to build right now? What are your highest values? How do your highest values and desired lifestyle inform your current choices regarding how you spend your time and your money? How do you decide what to say yes to and what to say no to? Let’s explore one question that will help you discover a breakthrough in this area!

Join Megan as she shares: 

  • How the Holy Spirit has been nudging her to get to know her neighbors in a more meaningful way!

  • One question you can ask yourself as you navigate your daily life choice that will help you move forward with more confidence. 

  • The question that will help you get clear about your “yes” and your “no.”

  • Lessons learned from Paul in Philippians Chapter 1:9-11.

  • What Paul actually prays as the most important thing for the church!

  • The importance of distinguishing between the eternal and the temporary.

Reflection questions you’ll ask yourself in this episode:

  • How can you connect with your neighbors in a more meaningful way?

  • What is a prompting God has put on your heart these days? 

    • What’s the next right step to explore that prompting and see what God wants to do through your action?

  • What kind of lifestyle do you want to build right now?

  • What are you ‘fixated’ on right now? Use the question “Why does it matter” and drill down as far as possible to get the clearest picture of what’s going on.

  • What is a possible distraction right now – taking your focus away from what truly matters?

  • What is “draining your battery right now” that you need to get clear on? 

  • In what area of life might you have unrealistic expectations?

Megan is a Kingdom life coach, author, and speaker who is excited to walk this journey with you! Join her to have conversations on reframing life, love, and calling to live the life God has so purposefully created for you.

Quotable Quotes:

“If your heart and mind overflow with love, there’s no more room in there for lesser things! Love will take up residence and move anxiety out of the way.”

“If you start fixating on something and don’t process what’s going on it will absolutely drain your battery!”

“You can take this magic question into every decision in your life.”

Resources for Listeners:

The Sharpened Edge // Business Building Mastermind Community for Women who want to grow in business and faith!

Untangled Faith Book //  Untangled Faith: How Honest Conversations with God Lead to Deeper Connections, Clarity, and Peace available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Journal // available on Amazon.

Untangled Faith Book Study // Are you looking for your next small group study? Check out this 10-week curriculum to learn how to hear God’s voice and cultivate open communication with Him for deeper revelation! → untangledfaithstudy.com

Do you have a God-Sized dream? How do you know what one is? And if you have one? Check out this FREE resource → 5 Questions to Help you Discover Your God-Sized Dream! Godsizedreams.com

Cast the vision + Create the time to dream with God! // “If Only” virtual conference REPLAY → ifonlyconference.com

Connect with Megan:

Instagram: @megan_nilsen

Facebook: @MeganNilsenKingdomLifeCoach

Email: megan@meganbnilsen.com

Schedule a FREE curiosity call if you’re interested in working with Megan // calendly.com/mbnilsen/30min

Check out this episode!

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